Within one night, we can turn around approximately 100 times. In one pose, we feel warm, while others simply feel uncomfortable. However, psychologists are sure that our daily postures, which we take unconsciously, and our sleeping positions reflect our character and our concerns.
Also, they can even tell us how things are in our relationships. We will inform you about 14 sleeping positions, from which couples can gain a lot of information about their relationship.
Sleeping Positions Reveal Relationship
1. My Territory

According to experts, a person who spreads out in bed tends to solve all the problems on their own. The other person who snuggling on the other side of the bed tends to give way and follow other people’s opinions.
It is considered a sign of rudeness and tyranny in a relationship. These ties are not strong enough: therefore, sooner or later, a couple may face some difficulties.
2. Conquering Space

Experts say that one of the partners in this pose seeks closeness, while the second one wants to stay away, which is why he keeps moving away. This couple is likely to have some disorders to deal with.
3. Looking at you like a mirror

A couple who sleeps in this pose has absolute harmony in their relationship. They are not only good partners but also good friends. They understand, respect and appreciate each other. No negative event can affect their relationship.
4. Slight Touch

Psychologists say that slight touch of the leg or arm while sleeping indicates that a couple has complete harmony and confidence. Emotional contact is established during these touches, bringing tranquility and comfort from the closeness.
This sleeping position says that the spirit of freedom and friendship exists in the relationship.
5. Watching the stars

Many couples prefer this position early in their relationship or marriage. This pose speaks of a strong connection between them. One of the partners lies in a “king” pose, indicating the owner’s sentiment.
The second partner enjoys the feeling of reliability and security. This type of relationship is peaceful and harmonious.
6. Strong Shoulder

This positioning of the bodies speaks to us of a solid relationship, as well as of love, tenderness, and mutual affection. A couple sleeping in this pose is likely to have a happy and strong relationship that promises a great future.
7. Spoons

Couples generally adopt this attitude during the first years of either living together or marriage. If one partner hugs the other from behind, he shows his sincere care and attention.
This couple feels comfortable and safe together. They have been building their relationship for a long time and they really appreciate it.
8. Don’t Go Away

Actually, it is the same pose as the “spoons”, but the couple lies a little further from each other. This position can mean 2 things:
Perhaps the passion in this couple has calmed down. One partner seeks more freedom, while the second wants to feel closer. An arm on the shoulder is a sign of the latter.
In the second case, due to the fading of feelings, the person who turned his back is asking the second partner to show more attention and affection.
9. The king of the bed

The “king” pose tends to be adopted by people willing to self-affirm and express themselves, while the pose of the second partner speaks of shyness and reserve.
This type of relationship is usually selfish and not stable. The second partner has to adapt and concede in life as well as in sleep.
10. Free Pose

This pose can tell us several things:
There is something wrong with the relationship. The absence of contact between the bodies, as well as the trapped arms and legs, means that couples seek more personal freedom. Misunderstandings, tensions, and disagreements may be occurring between partners.
If a couple sleeps separately, but their arms and legs are not tied, it means that they simply respect each other’s personal space. They admit and accept the habits of the other.
11. Touchpoint

Touching each other with a part of the body indicates the need for closeness. It is a pose for lovers who respect each other’s personal space.
However, this position can also signify a new stage in coexistence. It involves gaining trust, mutual understanding, tenderness, and gratitude, rather than just passion.
12. Dialogue

A couple sleeping in this pose is bound by a strong spiritual connection. However, they spend a lot of time apart. Due to work or other obstacles, they are very rarely seen at night or on weekends. However, they understand each other well, appreciate the relationship and respect the partner.
13. Love knot

Experts say this pose is specific to the passionate and tender start of a wedding when the two couples fall in love. The position may not be as comfortable, but lovers don’t mind. The most important thing is to be close to each other.
14. Zen Pose

This is the position of a couple who have come a long way together. If a couple sleeps in that pose, it means that each of them is trying to save their personal space without losing contact with the couple. It is a sign of a strong, healthy and stable relationship.
Based On material: Science Daily