Not all photographers have time to capture the perfect moment for a photo. This is probably the reason why those photographs which are taken not even a second before or too late are the ones we appreciate the most on many levels.
These photos capture a variety of different situations. One is the shot taken a second before something inevitable happens – there’s something particularly impressive about these shots, regardless of what comes next: good, bad, disastrous, or just plain amusing.
Here are 12 photos that you can’t help but look at and imagine the outcome that occurred a split second later. Superb!
Now, this is just perfection!

She can already see it coming.

It seems he’s achieved the impossible.

Action shot.

It seems that camels don’t appreciate being photographed without permission.

One little piece of sausage can hypnotize a dog in no time at all.

No one will notice your pratfall if you pretend your dancing.

And again, pure perfection!

Bears sure now how to have fun.

A good waiter always keeps his cool whatever happens.

I do whatever I want in my own garden…

He’s in for a surprise!

Problems happen when you least expect it!

Preview photo credit reddit