When we first think of cheating, we rarely think of having an emotional affair with someone outside of your marriage or relationship. Even if it doesn’t include romance, it can still have a huge impact on you and your partner.
You may notice unexplained changes in your loved one that you probably didn’t even know about. There are many different reasons why an emotional affair can happen, but we wanted to share the signs so that you don’t mistake them for a physical cheat.
8. Their “special” Friend Comes First

There’s a tension between the two of you that doesn’t seem like it’s going to end. Fights are usually due to the third person in your life. Your partner’s focus is more on the other person and that “friend” seems more important than you.
Even if you try your best to explain that this third wheel is what is causing all the fuss between you, things don’t change. In fact, you are guilty of being jealous.
7. They Don’t Want To Change Their Plans For You

In the past, when a new opportunity arose to spend quality time with your partner, they wouldn’t miss it and would adjust their plans.
However, this is no longer the case. Now they are firm in their own plans and do not want to change them, no matter how exciting their plans may seem.
6. They Love Social Media All Of A Sudden

In general, it can increase your partner’s interest in phones, social media, and other technologies. Although they have always been against social sites and rarely use them, now they cannot hang up the phone.
You may notice that they stop texting the moment you unexpectedly enter the room.
5. They’re Overprotective Over Their Phone

Not only do they love talking on the phone, but they also seem willing to protect you with their own lives. If they jump when they think of you trying to check the phone or just move it, they stop you.
Perhaps they have new passwords installed on the device or have started to lock the phone, which has never happened before.
4. They Must Work More Than Usual, Out Of The Blue

Your partner used to get home on time, maybe a few minutes late here and there. However, now they call you and make excuses that they need to stay longer at work.
You may notice that the things they say just don’t add up. They are probably doing this to spend more time with this “special friend.”
3. They Don’t Open Up To You Anymore
If your partner now receives more emotional attention from someone else, you may find that they don’t pay much attention to you.
They may stop talking about their bad days or problems, or they may not share the good news with you.
You don’t even see the same signs of stress that they had when they were talking to you.
This is probably happening because they are getting the support they need outside of your relationship.
2. They Make You Think You’re Crazy When The Topic Comes Up

When you start talking about this “special friend”, they will be on the defensive. In some cases, they may attack you and start criticizing you.
The strongest sign of an external emotional relationship is if they jump in and stand up for their new friend the second they hear the least negative comment about them.
1. They Make You Doubt How You Feel About Yourself
All these criticisms and the way they turn their heads when you start talking can make you think that something is wrong with you.
Well, that’s just not true. They are just trying to hide their involvement with this “friend” by manipulating you and forcing you to think that they are not the problem in the relationship.
Do you have any tips that can help us identify this type of trap? Do you know different signs that signify an emotional affair?