“All things considered, do you think the world is getting better or worse?” That’s the question YouGov asked 18,235 people in a survey across multiple countries.
According to their results, only 6% in the US, 4% in Great Britain and 3% in France think that the world is improving. Some modern artists support this view and draw ironic illustrations of today’s realities.
Although we always trying to look at the world in a positive way, we cannot deny that these images put us in deep thought.
13. Values

12. Nonconformist

11. Perfect garden

10. Is your real life as beautiful as what you’re trying to show?

9. Lunchtime atop a skyscraper in the XXI century

8. Silly-con valley

7. Brainwashing

6. Do not let anyone’s standards define who you are.

5. Zombification

4. Gotta catch ’em all

3. Breaking the rules

2. Light at the end of the tunnel

1. You only see the top.

Do you agree that our reality is as harsh as these illustrations? Do you think the world is getting better or worse? Share your opinions in the comments!
Preview photo credit washbeast / Instragram, ehsan.ganji / Instragram