The world around us is wonderful and unpredictable. Great minds never stop trying to solve all the amazing riddles and prove the crazy theories you really want to believe.
Creative Sides has collected 20 facts that may seem unreal, but in fact absolutely true.
Coffee radically changes tastes. That is why we like to eat something sweet with this drink.
Rejection and physical pain are the same as your brain. The mu-opioid sensory receptors are activated when you are rejected, and the same receptors “work” when you are in pain.

An airplane can fly more than 160 kilometers with a hole in the fuel cell with both turbines turned off. Such a case actually happened once.
Monkeys see faces on inanimate objects. They see optical illusions because they always fear for their lives. They are also more likely to imagine their enemies in everything around them.

A mattress doubles its weight after 10 years of use, collecting dust and mites. During all this time, the vermin eat small parts of our skin, which fall into the folds of the mattress.
Your brain reacts to verbal and nonverbal tasks in different ways. It turns out that we understand sign language better at the subconscious level.

During the night, their intervertebral discs relax and expand. That is why you are 1% taller in the morning than at night.
There are more life forms on human skin than people on our planet. Every day we “share” our bodies with 90 billion bacteria.
Otters hold their paws when they sleep, eat, or simply float in the water so as not to miss each other.

Elvis Presley was naturally blonde. The King of Rock ‘n’ Roll was sure that dark hair was better for highlighting eye color.
We are better at making a decision if we think the topic over in a foreign language. Languages help to abstract our minds from our emotions and to analyze a situation more clearly.
15% of the air we breathe in the subway contains only dead cells from human skin.

The chance of dying on the way to buy a lottery ticket is greater than the chance of winning the lottery.
The hair structure of a newborn baby changes completely during the first year. Don’t be surprised if your blond son suddenly turns brunet.

Polar bears try to remain invisible in the snow, covering their black noses with their paws.
Pessimism is genetically inherited. People who think negatively generally have a mutated ADRA2b gene.
There are more people who are obese than are starving in the world. 30% of the Earth’s population is obese and 5% of these people die from this disease.

Our smile has 3 functional types. We all have smiles of attraction, superiority, and praise. Also, the larger zygomaticus muscle behaves differently each time.

At the beginning of photography, people used to take pictures on their Christmas clothes with serious injuries or illnesses on their faces. It was also very popular (and even fashionable) to take photos of dead people, positioning them as if they were still alive. Another curious fact: the first “Photoshop experts” used simple watercolors to create different effects on printed photographs.