It’s about Ferris and Margaret Romaire, and today they celebrate their 70th wedding anniversary. We look forward to sharing your deeply moving love story.
Ferris is 90 years old, and Margaret is a year his junior. They met at a school desk, fell in love, and married in 1946. However, the couple does not have a single photograph of that memorable day because none of their guests had a camera. So after 70 years, professional wedding photographer Lara Carter offered her help.
And here is the result:

“You can see the love between them in the way they interacted and laughed together as we went in different poses. They are a beautiful example of what marriage should be.
They still live in the house they built together 65 years ago. Rich, but there is much in common between them: their love for their children, their attitude towards work, their faith, and their sense of humor, ”says Lara.
Preview photo credit Lara Carter
Based on materials from Lara Carter