Recent psychological research at the Edinburgh International Science Festival found an interesting fact: Any change in a loving couple’s relationship immediately affects the positions that partners take in their sleep.
The most important thing here is not the position they cuddle before going to sleep or the position they take right after falling asleep. The position where they sleep through the night and wake up in the morning is the only one that really matters.
Inspired by the research of Professor Richard Wiseman (University of Hertfordshire) and the work of psychologist Corinne Sweet, we have decided to create this fun guide to sleeping positions for couples that we hope will help you better understand your relationship.
The ‘Honeymoon Hug’ Position

This position tends to occur if the couple has just started dating or had to spend some time apart from each other.
The position is also popular with couples, if their family life remains passionate and full of tenderness and love.
The ‘Dialogue’ Position

This position is very common among those partners who maintain a strong connection with each other, but still, need to spend more time together and communicate more frequently.
The ‘Stargazing’ Position

Both partners sleep on their backs. Usually, one person is lying on their back while the other rests their head on their partner’s shoulder, making him or her more dependent.
This couple has great chemistry, but sometimes it’s a bit awkward for one to be forced to consider each other’s point of view (and in this case, position) into consideration.
The ‘Sweetheart’s Cradle’ Position

This position is very similar to the previous one, although it is much more intimate. This is very common among couples who are not afraid to constantly show their feelings.
They are very affectionate and care a lot for each other. The position usually means that the man is more bossy and dominant in the relationship.
The ‘I Cherish You’ Position

These couples are usually very happy and really enjoy their relationships. The position reflects mutual respect for personal space.
And their touching backs are more proof that it is very important for them to feel the presence of their partner nearby.
The ‘Liberty’ Position

This position can show that a couple went to bed immediately after a big fight. However, there is an alternative explanation: Both partners are likely to be very independent and self-centered people who require a lot of personal space.
The ‘King of the Bed’ Position

Couples who tend to spread out in bed are usually those who feel the need to assert themselves rather than show their feelings to the partner.
Their behavior in relationships is often very selfish, which is reflected in their sleeping habits.
The ‘Spoons’ Position

This position indicates harmonious and passionate relationships at the same time. The position is very popular in the first years of marriage.
The partner behind often plays a dominant role in such relationships. The other partner, on the other hand, likes the feeling of being protected.
The ‘Loose Spoons’ Position

Couples choose a very comfortable “spooning” position but give each other more freedom. This is one of the most complicated positions with at least two possible interpretations:
The position reflects a relationship without passion: at least one of the partners feels that way. He or she no longer feels the need for any physical contact or is simply dissatisfied with their partner.
In the second case, the partner who turns their back teases the other in an expression of feelings and is willing to receive more attention.
Based on materials from dailymail, medicaldaily