Scientists have stated that physiognomy, the art of reading facial characters, is fake science. However, some researchers have shown that a face can provide very important information about our personality. Carmen E. Lefevre, from University College London, guarantees that appearance is the product of genes, hormones, and lifestyle. That is why the face of a human can be a mirror in our soul.
We put together 7 scientific studies for you that prove that the face of a human can say something really interesting about their personality.
Even the way people pose for the camera can say a lot about your character. In the end, you will find a bonus that will show that appearances can be very misleading.
What Does Appearance Say About A Person?
1. The Shape Of The Face

Scientists have demonstrated the connection between face shape and dominance. In studying the 2010 World Cup, Keith Welker of the University of Colorado Boulder confirmed that the relationship between width and height of soccer players’ faces could predict how many goals they would score.
The average ratio is generally around 2. Abraham Lincoln’s ratio was 1.93.
- To discover the calculations with your own face, measure the distance between the ears and the distance between the upper line of the eyes and the upper lip. The relationship between these two numbers shows how high your chances of success are. According to scientists, the smaller the number, the greater the chances.
2. The Prominent Cheekbones

A study by scientists at University College London showed that men with high testosterone levels have broad faces and thick cheekbones. The level of this hormone has a direct connection to aggression, dominance, and the rebellious spirit. By the way, women subconsciously feel this.
This trick is regularly used by movie directors who choose men with rough facial features for the alpha male, rebel, and villain parts.
3. Wrinkles

Wrinkles betray not only the age of a human being but also his character. A person uses different muscles of the face to smile, cry, frown, or raise an eyebrow. Over time, these wrinkles show the most used emotion on a person’s face, even when they are calm and don’t think about anything.
The crow’s feet at the corners of the lips and eyes say optimistic things about your personality. You honestly like to laugh and you are very emotional.
At the same time, a crease of the forehead between the eyebrows says that you are a serious person who has gone through many things in life.
4. A Person’s Profession, In Just One Shot

Many of us turn our faces when taking photos, thinking that we look more attractive that way. A study by scientists at the University of South Australia showed that the reasons for this action are much deeper.
It turns out that engineers, mathematicians, and chemists turn their right faces toward the camera more frequently, while artists and psychologists turn their left faces toward the camera.
There was also a difference between the sexes. Women turn their heads to the right more frequently, showing their left cheeks.
The researchers believe that the left side of the face is considered more attractive because it is controlled by the right side of the brain, responsible for emotions.
5. Your Selfie Is Your Short Autobiography

Lin Kee from the Nanyang University of Technology in Singapore analyzed 123 selfies taken from Sina Weibo, a Chinese microblogging site similar to Twitter. He found a curious connection between selfie types and a person’s personal traits.
Friendly people prefer to take photos below. People who are open to new experiences show positive emotions more often and are not afraid to look funny in their photos. While neurotic people tend to make the infamous ‘duck face’ in their selfies.
Still, the scientists were unable to clearly define the personal traits of the people in the photos. This is because people tend to look better with their selfies than in real life, which complicates the task.
6. The Size Of Your Nose And Your Ambitions

The study of 1,700 images of faces, actually from their noses, was published in the Journal of Craniofacial Surgery in 2013. The researchers examined 14 different nose shapes and connected them to different personality types.
It turns out that the bigger the nose, the more ambitious the owner is. These people are more inclined to be perfectionists.
Scientists have even investigated the tip of the nose and concluded that if it is large and meaty, that person will be an excellent investor and financier, and if the tip is small and delicate, its owner will not worry much about saving money.
7. The Effect Of Dorian Gray

Even two identical twins, indistinguishable, are gaining more and more differences with age. It is not even about genes, but about the lifestyle of a certain person.
Bad habits imprint their pattern on faces over time and help show immediately what kind of life this person leads and what should be expected of them.
Obviously, an alcoholic can easily identify himself at first. But, on the other hand, the evils of a human being are not always reflected on his face. For example, serial killers and criminals sometimes have angelic faces.
Bonus: Beauty = Kindness?

Alexander Todorov, a professor of psychology at Princeton University, is sure that we immediately form our impression of new people, but these judgments are often very misleading.
They are based on something called the halo effect, a stereotype that connects behavior with appearance, where beautiful people seem smart and kind.
To demonstrate his theory, Todorov asked students to evaluate the appearance of different composite portraits.
People with childish facial features, like round faces and large eyes, seemed frail, naive, obedient, sincere, and kind. While dark, ugly, and asymmetrical faces were associated with hostile personalities.
Remember how often your first impression of a person was misleading. Sometimes positive and cool people end up disappointing, while those who made a bad first impression end up being wonderful people.
This is because many people are more inclined to judge a book by its cover than to dig a little deeper and find out who the person really is and what they are like.
We show 3 photos of known criminals in this article. Did you manage to find them? Lindsay Lohan is not one of them.

These seemingly legal and regular people are true criminals: Ted Bundy is a murderer and rapist, Rosemary West is known as one of the most vicious serial killers, and Jeremy Meeks is a convicted criminal, considered the most beautiful criminal in the world in the USA.
It is worth mentioning that, after Jeremy was released from prison, he made a very successful career in the fashion industry. We hope he will set an example that people can change for the better.
Is your first impression of a person always correct or have you ever been wrong? Do you think that the character of a person can be defined by his face? Or, perhaps, do you think that the physiognomy is more mysticism than a true science? Share your opinion in the comments below.