Lack of money or entertainment does not prevent us from being happy. In fact, it is our toxic habits that get close to us and rob us of our joy. It is time to shed light on this topic because if you know what you are doing wrong, it is easier to take the first step to stop self-destruction and make room for happiness.
We suggest that you get rid of the following 6 habits. You will also find some tips on how to start changing the rules around them because our happiness is something for which we are solely responsible.
Habits That Are Stealing Your Happiness
You Shut Down Your Feelings

We are often told not to show unpleasant emotions. This story usually begins in childhood: we hear things like “Don’t cry” or “Don’t be sad about it.” Little by little, we learn to hide our negative emotions, but this behavior often results in a worse life experience.
According to experts, fighting our negative emotions also makes us desensitized to positive emotions because we cannot choose what we want or do not want to feel.
It also leads to poorer communication and relationships and affects many parts of our lives; It is worth mentioning that emotional disconnection can result in a number of health problems. There are many non-toxic ways to express our feelings, for example, dancing is one of them.
You Don’t Let Yourself Make Mistakes

Let’s not forget that even some inventions that changed lives were created by accident. These include a pacemaker, microwave, and even penicillin. More specifically, it seems pretty good to say that you are a perfectionist on your resume. But does it really make you happier in real life?
We do not believe it, because you are constantly trying to reach an ideal, but in reality, it does not exist. And even the smallest mistake can make you depressed and lead to anxiety, eating disorders, and other health problems.
You have to allow yourself to be wrong and change your perspective on failure. To ease your new path, remember the words of Thomas Edison: “I have not failed 10,000 times. I have successfully found 10,000 ways that don’t work. “
You Prefer To Be A Victim

Making other people or situations the reason for your problems is a fast path to unhappiness. Is it easy to blame everything around you, being late for work? It wasn’t me, it was a traffic jam. Can’t afford a vacation? It’s not me, it’s just that they don’t want to pay me more. From this position, you will never be able to control these “unfair things.”
Let’s take a look at the first situation to clear things up. When you say that the problem was the jam, you can’t do anything about it. Because the traffic jam will come tomorrow, the day after tomorrow and for many days. Will you be late for the rest of your life?
But when you say that you are responsible for the delay, you have an ocean of options. You can choose to get up earlier or you can ask your boss to change your work schedule. You may even decide to hit a gym near your office in the morning to start working out right away.
Try to see everything that happens in your life from this angle and you will begin to see opportunities rather than barriers.
You Hold Grudges

First, grudges can have negative health effects, from mild depression to acute cardiovascular problems. And it’s kind of hard to be happy when you’re depressed or suffering from heart problems.
Second, you need to understand that there must be a deeper problem if you are reacting that way. It can be anything from low self-esteem to other issues that make you uncomfortable. A small example, if someone told you that you are stupid, would you feel hurt if you knew for sure that it was not true?
We are not sure, so this is a great opportunity for you to be aware of. If you are aware that you can work on your self-development when you feel that someone has hurt you.
Third, you are hurting yourself. You remember the negative situation, you repeat it over and over in your mind, and you feel angry or helpless over and over again. You waste your precious time and energy on something you cannot change. Isn’t it better to go to a therapist, learn to let it go, and fill your life with more beautiful things?
You Think You Are A Mind-reader

Unless you are a humble but very talented vampire, mermaid, or human, you can never really know what other people think. However, thoughts like “I look so stupid in their eyes” or “They probably think I’m so boring” enter our heads every day.
Here are some simple tips for these types of situations: Do not choose to humiliate yourself, but believe that people think the best of you. This perspective will increase your self-confidence and help you communicate openly. You will also find that it is easier to ask for help when you are not making assumptions.
You Focus On The Success Of Others

In the age of social media, it is very difficult not to fall into the “comparison trap”. Our clothes are not as stylish as the girls on Instagram, we do not travel as much as they are and our relationships are not as perfect. Longing for these things can easily make us unhappy, but don’t forget something important.
First, people only show the parts they want us to see. There are no guarantees that your life will be this ideal. Also, there is an ocean of evidence that your reality is not as rosy as it appears on Facebook or Instagram.
And finally, while you are constantly busy following someone else’s life, you neglect your own and waste time that you might otherwise be spending building your own success.
We suggest that you bring awareness into your own life. Try the following simple method to start this route. Every day, you should acknowledge and write down at least 5 things that you have accomplished and are proud of. This will help you see the value in your life and move on.
In your opinion, what separates you the most from your happiness? What helps you overcome these problems?