It is very difficult to start a family. You will face conflicts, crises, doubts, and everything is fine. If you react correctly, you will finally understand that this is not a tragedy, but a new level in your relationship.
We want the number of happy families to increase. That’s why we show you the most dangerous factors that can ruin a marriage and how to deal with them.
Factors Contributing to Divorce
Hasty Decisions Regarding Marriage

Scientists working at the University of Utah say that women who had fewer than 3 premarital partners divorce much more often than experienced women of the same age. This is probably due to the fact that girls sometimes marry just because they think they are madly in love. But, as a rule, this feeling ends quickly.
What to do? Marriage is hard work, long-lasting, and not always pleasant. If you decide to get married, you must fully understand this: “I take responsibility for our relationship and I am definitely ready to work on it.”
Routine Household Chores

Modern psychology believes that strict house rules can also be grounds for divorce. These rules feel like a second job, not a cozy home.
What to do? Be creative! Jokes and common traditions turn everyday tasks into exciting games. Go easy. Treat yourself to order a pizza or go to a good coffee instead of preparing dinner with your last strength. Save house cleaning for later. Or just start a competition to see “who will dust the fastest” with some great prizes.
Your Friends Are Divorcing

Close relationships with people who are getting divorced can also negatively influence your marriage if you have some misunderstandings. You can start to draw a parallel with those who just broke up. And there is a risk that you will find too much in common and decide that your marriage is over.
What to do? You must understand that if you stop seeing this “dangerous” partner, you will not really solve your relationship problems. You should have really close relationships all the time, not just before or after a friend’s divorce.
Open your hearts to each other and be honest. When there is a good atmosphere in your relationship, external factors cannot destroy it.
Work Overload

A career is perfect when it doesn’t influence your personal life. Your image as a highly-skilled specialist will fade if you are suddenly faced with the threat of losing your family. Of course, you shouldn’t neglect your duties at work, but you shouldn’t neglect your duties at home either.
What to do? Set your priorities. Separate your work from your family and don’t overstate the importance of one thing over another. Be ready to say “no” to your boss if he wants you to stay late on Friday evening. Be prepared to explain to your loved one that today’s meeting is of great importance and that there is no way to postpone it.
Hiding Your Infidelity

Marital infidelity is one of the most difficult problems a family can face. If you’ve already made this mistake, you should be ready to take responsibility.
What to do? You must understand that it is even worse to keep your secret than, to tell the truth. No one can be sure that their spouse will forgive them and the family will not be ruined.
But this secret will definitely destroy your relationship from the inside. Therefore, we can say that honesty offers an opportunity to save a family, while lying takes away the last chance.