Who said science is boring? Scientists recently discovered that coconut water can be administered intravenously, and the Mona Lisa used to have eyebrows. This world will never stop to amaze us, take a look!
Creativeside wants to show you a list of new scientific facts that might seem more like a description of a science fiction movie at first.
Incredible Scientific Facts
The coldest place in the universe is on Earth. Finnish scientists were able to freeze atoms using a laser. This allowed them to reach a temperature incredibly close to absolute zero.
If we could get rid of empty space in atoms, all of humanity would fit into an apple.
![17 Incredible Scientific Facts That Seem Too Crazy to Be True](https://creativeside.me/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/20721910-31150010-662358-0-1521016954-1521016962-1500-1-1521016962-650-136ce948c3-1521100432.jpg)
The chemical compound that produces a raspberry flavor abounds throughout the universe. If you could taste the universe, it would taste like raspberry.
One of the most slippery substances in the world is lubricant on the knees.
The biggest living organism in the world is Armillaria ostoyae, which grows in Malheur, Oregon, USA. Its size is over 2,174 acres and its age is around 2,400 years.
A squid’s brain looks like a bagel. It’s all down to the way your digestive system is designed – food must pass through the brain due to the nature of a squid’s body. A bagel helps keep the brain intact when a squid swallows large chunks of food.
![17 Incredible Scientific Facts That Seem Too Crazy to Be True](https://creativeside.me/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/20721960-27770960-2-0-1520243568-1520243571-1500-1-1520243571-650-31a43a70d5-1521100432.jpg)
A flea accelerates faster than a space shuttle. Its jumps are 3.14 inches per millisecond. The acceleration of a flea is 50 times faster than that of a spaceship.
The human lungs have the same surface area as a tennis court.
Men have a genetic predisposition to have a boy or a girl. Men who have many sisters have girls more often and vice versa.
Archerfish can recognize people’s faces, according to researchers at the University of Oxford. Their accuracy is more than 80%.
![17 Incredible Scientific Facts That Seem Too Crazy to Be True](https://creativeside.me/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/20722010-31151060-662359-0-1521017198-1521017208-1500-1-1521017208-650-a45265e715-1521100432.jpg)
The height of the Eiffel Tower changes according to the weather: in summer when it’s hot it can increase by 5.9 inches. Metal really expands in hot weather, making the Eiffel Tower bigger in hot weather.
Noise in empty channels is the trace of the Big Bang. It all started with an explosion of light that expanded in all directions. The noise is part of this explosion. So even now we can still hear traces of the birth of the universe.
The Thai fish called Cryptotora thamicola can climb rocks. This is the only fish that can walk. It has a developed pelvis and uses its fins as reptiles use their limbs.
![17 Incredible Scientific Facts That Seem Too Crazy to Be True](https://creativeside.me/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/20722060-27838860-5-0-1520250197-1520250204-1500-1-1520250204-650-990a4dfc5c-1521100432.jpg)
An art expert named Pascal Cotte investigated the Mona Lisa using special equipment and discovered that she used to have eyebrows. Only they disappeared over time, so we can no longer see them. Also, the Mona Lisa’s initial face was much wider and the sky was bluer.
The intimate friendship between chimpanzees helps to reduce the level of stress during conflicts. Scientists have learned that fighting is less dramatic if a chimpanzee fights alongside a friend.
The brain needs as much energy as a 10-watt light bulb. And it doesn’t matter if you’re asleep or awake.
![17 Incredible Scientific Facts That Seem Too Crazy to Be True](https://creativeside.me/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/20722110-31153710-662357-0-1521017485-1521017497-1500-1-1521017497-650-24efc27c2b-1521100432.jpg)
Frequent coffee consumption leads to a decrease in breast size. 3 cups of coffee a day can make your breasts smaller, especially if they’re big at first. This is because caffeine burns fat. And as you probably know, breasts consist mainly of fatty tissue.
Do you know of any other surprising scientific facts? Share them with the world in the comment section below.