If your friend or other important person is having a difficult time, it is natural that you want to help, but sometimes you just don’t know where to start. There are certain signs that your friend or loved one is not only dealing with life’s daily challenges but is struggling with bigger and more serious problems.
We’ve identified 6 signs that your partner or friend is asking for help without saying anything. We’d love for you to keep reading to learn more about these signs.
They Have Emotional Outbursts

We all have times when we need to let out our emotions. But the difference between a healthy expression and an unhealthy one is the precision with which that emotion corresponds to a given situation.
If your friend or partner begins to react to small events with immense anger, sadness, or joy that doesn’t match the situation, it could be a sign that they need help.
The way people express their emotions is different, but you need to be aware of significant and/or rapid changes in their emotions.
They Either Sleep Too Much Or Barely Sleep At All

Constant yawning, heavy eyelids, and a strong urge to nap during the day are signs of excessive sleepiness. This state occurs when your loved one or friend burns the midnight oil and finds it difficult to fall asleep or, vice versa, to fall asleep, especially during the day.
Excessive daytime sleepiness can be a sign of depression or an anxiety disorder, psychologists say.
They Display Impulsive Or Risk-taking Behavior

They may want to try some extreme activities, such as bungee jumping, or they may live without proper care and attention when dealing with fire, gas, or electricity. This risky behavior and minimal coping skills may indicate that your loved one is in emotional distress.
If moments of “extreme highs” and energy come after a state of total apathy, this mental carousel can lead your friend or partner to emotional exhaustion. It could be a sign that you need to intervene.
There’s A Rapid Change In Their Appearance

One of the easiest changes to notice is your partner’s weight. Both the big gain and the loss of weight can be signs of emotional upheaval.
Changes in their appearance are not always necessarily weight-related though. Pay attention if your loved one does not care about their hygiene or how they look, as they did before.
They Feel Restless And Agitated

Excessive enthusiasm is a sign of emotional tension and restlessness. When this happens, your friend or partner may become easily irritated or feel like they need to constantly move. It is a natural emotion. But it can also happen when they are under a lot of stress.
So if instead of relaxing and enjoying their free time they start to find more and more activities and hobbies for themselves, it could be a sign that they are not mentally stable at the moment.
They Find It Difficult To Socialize

We all need our alone time occasionally, but if your loved one wants to be alone permanently, this could be a sign that they are struggling a lot with their emotional issues and mental well-being.
If your better half or a friend starts to change and cancel their plans, show antisocial behavior, and even close off other people, these are usually signs that they are struggling.
What does your loved one do that instantly tells you that they are not okay?