Most romantic relationships lose their bright color over time and can become routine. And if you don’t work on it together, there is a good chance of a breakup.
We collected 6 characteristic signs that could indicate that your partner is not happy. (Or maybe you’ll recognize yourself as the unhappy one!)
Indifference Toward Your Life And Problems:

Sometimes you just want to talk to your loved one, tell about your day and experiences, maybe even complain, but still be accepted as you are.
When you don’t have any support, they don’t listen to you and it’s not a priority … it’s alarming.
Total Distrust:

People with low self-esteem often project their insecurities onto their romantic relationships. At first, this behavior may go unnoticed.
But if someone in a couple suddenly begins to control all aspects of their partner’s life, that is a sign of internal discomfort and unhappiness.
Constantly Being Late And Canceling Plans:

Things happen in life: an urgent task may arise at work or responsibilities are suddenly discovered. But, in general, these extreme cases are rare. And everyone understands when they appear.
However, if a colleague deliberately begins to adjust their relationship to their work schedule, postpones meetings, is late (if they are late), or justifies themselves with stupid excuses, it won’t do any good.
Not In The Mood To Kiss/hug:

It’s no secret that loving people tend to touch, even accidentally: hugs, kisses, holding hands. It calms them down, gives them strength, and makes them happy.
When someone in a couple suddenly stops being nice to each other and the prospect of “hugs” with a close person doesn’t cause them pleasant emotions, that behavior is cause for concern.
Unwillingness To Take Care Of You:

As a general rule, loving people take care of their partners and try to make their lives as comfortable as possible. If a person in a relationship suddenly does not respect the wishes of the other person and focuses only on himself, those selfish expressions are the first sign of concern.
Unwillingness To Spend Time Together:

Everyone, even those in a relationship, wants to have a personal life: meet friends, do hobbies. This is normal. The communication circle should not be limited to just one person.
However, if one person in a couple starts avoiding joint encounters altogether and fills their life with everyone but you, you shouldn’t ignore that.
What to do?
If you notice these changes in communication with a loved one, this is a time to reflect. Maybe he has some problems outside of your relationship. But it could be that this is due to their behavior.
Try to speak openly or be a little more tolerant and considerate, and everything should be fine.