We do so many things every day that we need to deprive ourselves of something. And that something usually sleeps. We decided to go to bed later or get up early to manage some more tasks. As a natural result, we rise as if we hadn’t slept at all.
We want to remind you that to do everything you want, you need a night of healthy sleep because it gives you strength for them.
The hours of sleep you need reduce as you get older:

What Happens If We Don’t Get Enough Sleep?
We get sick: Our immune system is directly related to sleep, and lack of sleep makes it difficult for our bodies to fight disease.
It is difficult to think logically and react quickly, which can be dangerous, especially when an immediate decision is needed, for example when driving.
We gain weight if we sleep less than 5 hours a day.

The health of our skin deteriorates: wrinkles, capillaries, aging spots, and acne appear, and the body generally ages faster.
We’re at an increased risk of cardiovascular disease.
Cancer risk increases.
Sexual desire decreases. If you sleep less than 5 hours a day for a week, testosterone levels decrease and sex hormones decrease by 15%.
We forget things easily. When we sleep, our brain orders information. Lack of sleep deprives you of the time to do this.
What Can I Do For Lack Of Sleep

There is only one way out: sleep more. If you have to get up at 7 am, go to bed at 11 pm.
When you know that nothing bad will happen if you finish your homework tomorrow, go to bed. The next day, it will be faster, as it will be easier for you to think.
Sometimes, though, it gets worse. You can go to sleep on time and then rejoice at that fact, unable to close your eyes until three in the morning. The result: a difficult morning once again. In that case, you will have to work your normal schedule. This is what you can do:
Love your regular hours: Learn to sleep at the same time every night, even on weekends. Your body will get used to it and want to sleep at the usual time. You’ll also get used to waking up at the same time, but you can lie on the weekends.
Breathe fresh air: If time weather allows, walk 15 minutes before bed. Air your room – you’ll sleep better if it’s cold inside (about 64-69 ° F).

Move more during the day: Physical tiredness is the best motivation to sleep. If your work is sedentary, jog, or squat about 2 hours before bed.
Keep anxiety to a minimum: Try not to argue and don’t take anything too seriously, if possible. Don’t watch television much or read the news, especially if it’s bad. Knowing current events is important, but sometimes it is better to look at cat pictures than gas prices.
Don’t eat just before bed. Digestion is an active process that interferes with your sleep. Dine at least 3 hours before bed.
Don’t drink coffee at night: The same goes for green tea, energy drinks, or anything that contains caffeine. Chocolate too.

Work at your workplace only: Home is your place of rest and relaxation. Business calls and mail can wait until the next morning.
Relax in the evening: Take a hot shower, read a good book, a paper one, not one on a blue screen. You have the right to rest.
Create your own rituals that will serve as signals to your body that it must sleep: brush your teeth, wash, apply night cream. It is better if you like these things too.
Create a cozy sleeping environment: Put on your favorite pajamas, wrap it in a warm blanket. You should enjoy being in your bed! And get rid of the television in your room – it’s just a place to sleep and have sex.
Chronic sleep deprivation is an enemy that slowly takes away your health, work capacity, and mental acuity. However, start fighting, and in just a week you will feel much better.
Based on materials from powerofpositivity, maximonline, psymanblog