We often forget our backs simply because we cannot see it. We don’t realize how we relax, depriving our muscles of physical activity. As a result, they become slack and annoying folds appear.
We compiled some simple but effective exercises for you. Performing them regularly at home for 2-3 weeks can tone your back muscles.
How To Get Rid Of Side Folds
1. The Forward Bend

This exercise will open your chest and exercise your back muscles at the same time. If it is difficult to keep your back straight with your hands or fingertips on the floor, you can use a yoga block at the end of your palms or slide your hands toward your shins.
How to bend forward:
- Start with your legs straight and your feet shoulder-width apart.
- Lean forward slowly, while trying not to bend your knees.
- Try to place your hands on the floor and then place your palms flat on it.
- Do this for 2-3 sets; 10-15 repetitions.
2. Side Bends

Side Bends are an excellent option for folding side and back folds. Do you know what is another important benefit for side folds? They also eliminate unsightly love handles.
How to perform Side Bends:
Start with your feet shoulder-width apart, standing in a straight position. Take a weight in one hand and the other hand can hold the back of your head. Keep your back straight and bend toward the hand holding the dumbbell.
Staying in shape is essential in this exercise. Fold as comfortable as possible, then slowly return to the starting position. Just bend at the waist and keep your body straight.
Do this for 3 sets; 15-20 repetitions. Repeat on one side as soon as the first one is finished.
3. Push-Ups

Push-ups involve the core and lower body, and yes, they fill us with anxiety because they are located just above the difficulty meter. Regardless of that, they blast fat and tone and sculpt many different muscles, giving you a killer back.
How to do push-ups:
- Get into a high plank position.
- Shift your center of gravity to your arms.
- Lower your body by bending your arms at the elbows.
- Return to the starting position.
4. The Bow Pose

How to do bow pose:
Start by lying on your stomach on the floor and moving your arms in front of you. Then, you will arch your upper back, bending it while lifting your arms, head, and back simultaneously.
Wrap your hands and take the tops of feet that have long bones. Inhale deeply and hold the pose for a few seconds. Then exhale and return your body to the starting position.
Do this for a set duration of 20 to 60 seconds.
5. Superman

This pose received its nickname because it looks like “the Man of Steel” flying through the air. This Superman, however, comes to your rescue by banishing those pesky aforementioned folds, while removing the top of the cake in a single hop. As an added benefit, Superman pose relieves back and neck pain.
How to do Superman Pose:
- Lie on your stomach, stretching your arms and legs.
- Raise your legs and arms at the same time, bending your back.
- Stay in this position for a few seconds.
- Return to the starting position.
6. Upper Back Lifts On Stability Ball

Stability balls help improve core balance and strength while you work. They are also great tools to help you in your war against folds.
How to perform Upper back lifts on stability ball:
- Lie face down on the ball.
- Fix your legs shoulder-width apart on the floor.
- Place your hands on the back of your head.
- Raise and lower your shoulders and upper back, keeping your neck straight.
7. The Bridge

The bridge is extremely effective for the back, but it can be risky to do it without preparation. Start doing it after a few weeks of regular exercise with the previous exercises mentioned above.
How to do the bridge:
- Lie on your back with your legs bent at the knees. Press your palms on the floor over your head.
- Start by gently lifting your hips and then your shoulders up, bending your back.
- Hold at the highest point for a few seconds.
- Try to return to the starting position by gently lowering your back to the floor.
Preview photo credit DEPOSITPHOTOS
Based on materials from sheknows, womenshealthmag, dailyburn, bodybuilding