Scientists learned how to make diamonds from peanut butter and ketchup was initially not initially a sauce, but a patented remedy for diarrhea.
There are so many things we may not know about the foods we eat, but what we want to know for sure is whether we can safely consume the products or whether we should try to prevent some of them from appearing in our refrigerators.
We tried to figure out which items nutritionists wouldn’t eat at any cost, and the things we discovered made us take another look at our shopping lists.
We’d love for you to learn new things about some of your favorite foods from us.
7. Cereal Bars

Cereal bars have been closely associated with a healthy lifestyle and are sold as a good snack for those who want to lose weight.
But nutritionists consider them serial offenders, disrupting a healthy diet. All because they contain a lot of sugar, salt, and saturated fat.
It turns out that it makes no difference whether you eat a chocolate bar or a cereal bar, both can be equally harmful.
6. Big-brand Whole Wheat Bread

Whole wheat bread is made from finely ground grains, which gives it an attractive brown color. It is considered one of the healthiest types of bread since it is rich in fiber and makes us feel full for longer.
But nutritionists say that store-bought whole wheat bread is rich in preservatives and adds salt and sugars.
Homemade bread is considered a good and healthy alternative, and the way to keep it fresh longer, without harmful ingredients, is simply by adding vitamin C to the dough.
5. Products That Are Labeled “low-fat” Or “sugar-free”

Although the words “low-fat” or “sugar-free” can become a purchase trigger for dieters, nutritionists themselves consider these products to be far from being suitable for the diet.
Fat-free and sugar-free products also go bland, so manufacturers add a lot of flavor enhancers and artificial chemicals, which can actually ruin your diet and your health.
4. Processed Meat

Processed meat contains harmful additives that make it more attractive and help extend the life of the product. It includes bacon, sausage, hot dogs, canned beef, and canned meat.
But surprisingly, minced meat can also be considered a processed food, as it can also contain preservatives.
Therefore, homemade minced beef is a healthier alternative to store-bought meatballs and hamburgers, since you are sure of the ingredients and you can also control the amount of fat in your meat.
3. Rice Cakes

Puffed rice cakes are very tempting because they are not filled with anything. No fat, no sugar, no fiber, no minerals, and no calories.
But nutritionists would never eat them because they turn to sugar almost immediately after they reach your digestive system.
Your glycemic index can go up to 82, while pure sugar is 100 and a bowl of ice cream is 66.
They can increase your risk of diabetes and cannot be considered a healthy snack because of that.
2. Food Coloring, Even The Least Harmless Ones

Food coloring is not only used in candy and donuts, but is even added to certain brands of pickles, smoked salmon, and salad dressings.
Children are the largest consumers of artificially colored foods, and research has linked this to an increase in ADHD in children.
Other harmful effects can include depression and mood swings, as well as trouble sleeping. Nutritionists advise you to stay away from brightly colored foods.
1. Store-bought Green Vegetable Juice

A celebrity-inspired green juice detox trend has to conquer the minds of many people. But nutritionists are skeptical about sucking and detoxing, and the popular green vegetable juice in particular.
First, the juices can interact with the medications you are taking and have harmful effects.
Second, the green vegetable juice sold in stores may contain some fruit juice, which makes the idea somewhat useless as it contains a lot of sugar.
What food did you think was healthy, but turned out to be just a clever marketing stunt? What product would you not personally recommend to other people?