Sugar is a cruel and cruel mistress: it’s delicious and addictive, but it’s not doing you any favors. In addition to causing weight gain, increased consumption of refined sugar increases the risk of insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, and cardiovascular disease and can affect cognitive function and memory, says Sara Gottfried, best-selling author.
It turns out that your daily sugary afternoon treatment not only generates a huge brain fog, according to author David Wolfe but also accelerates aging.
Benefits of Stop Eating Sugar
After a Day

The days after you stop consuming sugar are perhaps the most difficult. “You may experience withdrawal symptoms, including headaches and a drop in energy levels,” says Gottfried. You probably also have strong desires for something sweet.
But already, your body is starting to heal. According to Wolfe, sugar feeds harmful microorganisms, such as candida, which, when cultivated, can affect your intestinal health. Cutting processed sugar helps keep these microorganisms under control.
After a Week

That’s when the magic happens. Your body will quickly start to repair itself as soon as the sugar is out of the way, starting with improvements in insulin levels and inflammatory responses.
According to Gottfreid, in just 72 hours, when your insulin levels begin to stabilize, other hormones (such as those involved in fat storage) will also return to normal levels.
Another notable difference? Clarity of the skin and less puffiness on the face, says Wolfe.
After One Month

“You’ll notice what sugar is doing to you, increasing cravings, causing weight gain and yeast infections, and amplifying inflammation,” says Wolfe. Why? Because many of these problems, as well as candy cravings, will go away.
Add to these benefits stable blood sugar levels, greater mental clarity, natural weight loss, and better intestinal health. “A healthy gut reduces inflammation in your body and the overall risk of many health problems,” says Gottfried.
After Six Months

Imagine the following: “You will be so far from the habit of eating sugar that not only will you not want it, but you won’t even be able to see it,” says Wolfe.
Gottfried adds that when you have stable blood sugar levels, you find that your weight remains low, especially stubborn belly fat.
More importantly, it will be healthier: Six months without refined sugar will reduce your risk of type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and premature aging, she says.
After a Year

At the surface level, skin quality and reduced acne, irritation, and fine lines can be dramatic when sugar is removed from your daily diet.
Better yet, you will see a reduction in the overall risk of preventable diseases, such as diabetes, as well as heart attacks and strokes.
Not to mention, it will also increase your quality and length of life. Seriously—we’re not sugarcoating it.