While flavored beverages might taste great and simply quench our thirst, water is still a luxury we almost always despise. Water, one of the most abundant resources available, is also one of the best remedies for various health problems that arise in our body due to the consumption of these flavored drinks.
Mixed with preservatives, added colorings, and sugar additives, these flavored drinks do more harm to the body than you might imagine. They accumulate in the caloric content and cause a number of problems in the body.
Ever Wonder What Would Happen If You Replace All Drinks with Water? Read on to discover 5 of the most defined changes in your body that you will notice if you replace each of your drinks with water!
Benefits of Drinking Water
5. Increased Cognitive Abilities

Replacing all other drinks with water has a profound effect on your cognitive ability. The functioning of the brain depends a lot on the amount of water ingested and its lack can cause memory loss, brain fatigue, and headaches.
The brain itself is made up of 85% water, so it is absolutely necessary to keep it hydrated. Replacing other beverages with water increases brain function and improves concentration and memory, as well as preventing disorders such as deficit of attention.
4. Increased Metabolism Rate

The kidneys are one of the most important organs in the body and depend on water to function properly.
Due to a lack of adequate water, the kidneys may not function well, which in turn puts pressure on the liver to take over work and release vital toxins.
Although the liver acts on behalf of the kidney, it neglects its function of metabolizing stored fat in the body into energy. A lower metabolism rate is not good for the body and can lead to harmful health effects.
Drinking water throughout the day keeps your kidneys hydrated and maintains your optimal metabolism rate.
3. Improved Detoxification

It is well known that water is one of the best detoxifiers you can find, not to mention the cheapest too. An adequate supply of water helps transport nutrients to all cells in the body, removes toxic waste, improves digestive capacity, and maintains healthy kidneys.
Healthy kidneys ensure that waste and toxins are released from the body on a regular basis and do not accumulate.
An adequate supply of water can ensure healthy and radiant skin. So replacing all other drinks with water provides that extra glow you wanted your skin to have!
2. Improved Hair And Skin Health

Dehydrated hair can cause various problems such as hair loss, hair dullness, and dandruff, among others. Therefore, it is very important to keep your hair well hydrated.
For naturally shiny hair, just gulp down water instead of all beverages and see the difference for yourself. The same goes for the skin.
Drinking water throughout the day keeps your skin hydrated and eliminates problems such as peeling and dullness of the skin.
1. Improved Calorie Control

Drinking more water is an ancient practice during dieting. For years, drinking lots of water has been considered one of the best weight-loss strategies.
Replacing other drinks with water lowers your calorie intake and helps you lose weight effectively.
Also, a higher level of hydration leads to a better metabolism, which, in turn, is great for losing weight.
The list does not end there. Drinking enough water has a profound effect on the heart, reducing the risk of heart attacks by 41%! It also suppresses your appetite, which helps in your weight loss regimen.
So think no more and curb all those flavored drinks that you were having until now and start drinking water to do your health a hell lot of good!
Based on materials from A life of productivity