Extensive gym workout isn’t suitable for everyone, and let’s be honest, sometimes we don’t have time for that. However, this is not an excuse to refuse exercise.
We invites you to try a series of exercises that will take no more than 5 minutes.
Effective Workout Plan At Home
1. Sit-ups

Place your feet shoulder-width apart or slightly wider. Start crouching down, pulling your pelvis back as if you want to sit in a chair.
Crouch down as low as possible, trying to keep your back straight. Return to the starting position, straining the leg and buttock muscles.
2. Push-Ups

Take position A. Hands are shoulder-width apart; shoulders, knees, and feet are in line. Slowly begin to lower your body by bending your arms and trying to keep your elbows close to your body.
Return to the starting position. The exercise greatly works hard on the pectoral and triceps muscles.
3. Mountain Climber

A complex exercise that strengthens the stomach muscles and helps you burn calories. The starting position is the same as the push-ups.
Tense you’re abs, lift your right leg and slowly pull it towards your chest. Note the position of the back and hips: they must be fixed. Return to the starting position and do the same with your left leg.
4. Lungs

Place your feet shoulder-width apart, your hands on your hips. Take a big step forward with your left foot (your left leg should be at a right angle and your right knee almost touches the floor).
Then, return to the starting position by pressing on the front leg and repeat the exercise with the right leg. When doing an exercise, it is very important to keep your back straight.
5. Jumps

The exercise called Jumping Jacks is part of military training in the USA since it improves physical and aerobic resistance.
In the starting position, the arms are located along the body. Jump up, as you spread your legs out to the side and raise your arms above your head.
Go to the starting position with a quick jump and repeat the exercise.
Workout Plan

Fast interval training is really effective: due to the high rate, you burn a lot of calories in a short period of time.