The double chin is formed due to genetics, aging, and weight gain. But, apparently, there is another reason: an improper posture of the tongue. The good news is that it is possible to get rid of this physical feature. Younger people, with stretched skin, can dramatically improve the contour of the face after removing fat.
We find out what we’ve all done wrong. Now is the time to correct your tongue posture and finally get that beautiful chin that you will keep forever.
What we normally call a “double chin” is the fullness that forms under the chin. We all have a bit of fat in there and it is normal. However, our platysma muscle, which connects the neck to the chin, can weaken.

In that case, more fat can accumulate here, causing the filling. This extra fat that forms above the platysma under the chin is called “pre-platysmal fat” and is what creates the double chin.
Incorrect tongue posture loosens the muscle and a double chin begins to form. Experts say that if we learn to position the tongue correctly, it is possible to get rid of the double chin and improve the jaw line. This is because the correct position maintains the entire facial structure.
The correct posture is to always have the tongue resting on the upper part of the mouth, including the lower third. You can learn to position it correctly by doing various exercises and watching yourself rest your tongue correctly at first, as you get used to it.
Exercise 1

Place the tip of your tongue on the roof of your mouth, just behind your upper teeth, and press it against your hard palate.
Pull the rest of your tongue against the roof of your mouth.
Close your mouth and breathe normally, and try to keep it that way all the time.
Exercise 2

If you couldn’t do the above, try the following:
- Say the sound “N.” As you say, wait. The posture you are experiencing is correct.
- Suck the back of the tongue on the roof of the mouth.
- Apply some pressure to the back of the tongue and make sure the pressure remains, bringing everything up.
- Keep it there at all times, this is the correct posture. When you forget how to do it, say the “N” sound again.
Exercise 3

Here is another exercise to practice:
- Take a large gum and begin to spread it all over the palate.
- Start at the back of your teeth and spread them in as far as you can.
- When you’re done, you can chew again and repeat the whole spreading process.
Have you heard of correct tongue posture before? How did your tongue use to rest? Tell us in the comments.